THX Home Cinema
Product Summary
The Cinema Subwoofer is designed to extend the low-frequency performance to below
20Hz in most domestic rooms, with a precisely defined anechoic response to offset the
listening room's inherent bass boost.
Either one subwoofer, or two connected in parallel (depending on your room size and
required sound level), may be utilised in the system without dropping below the minimum
acceptable impedance.
The trapezoid shape of the PCS 8 subwoofer reflects the styling of surround speakers and
makes the cabinet compatible with the dimensions of the FCM8 front speakers which can
be mounted on top to give the correct listening height. Compliant coupling between the
cabinets gives mechanical isolation between them.
Technical highlights
Matrix™: The basic construction of nearly all loudspeakers is exactly the same -
panels of wood-based materials, bonded to form a rectangular box. B&W
studied and evaluated how each aspect of cabinet behaviour and the efficiency
of various materials and construction methods affects sound.
De scrip tio n
Drive Un its
Damped 4th-order reflex tuned at 26Hz
1 x 300mm Cobex® cone bass driver
with 50mm high temperature voice coil
low hysteresis surround and magnetic
Po w e r Ha n d lin g
Dim e n sio n s
Fin ish
50W - 200W into 4-8 ohms on
unclipped programme
Height: 600mm W idth: 580mm
Depth: 598mm
Cabinet: Black Ash
Fr e q u e n cy Re s p o n se -3dB at 35Hz
Grille: Black Cloth
Se n sitivity
89dB spl (2.83V 1m)
Sp e cia l fe a tu re s
Approved to Lucasfilm Home THX
N o m in a l Im p e d a n ce 8 ohms (minimum 4 ohms)
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications without notice in line with technical developments. E & OE. All trademarks acknowledged.
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